Sunday, January 27, 2013

Writing Conferences

Hello once again my blog-buddies!

I haven't really been on a whole lot to talk, but I did switch the site design up a little bit as you can see. One day this site is going to look professional, but I'm still a newbie when it comes to site designing, so this will have to do for right now. :)

I wanted to talk about writing conferences in this post, because I was a part of a writing conference last March.

I have applied to two different writing conferences this year; The Pen in Hand Writing Conference that is held in Little Falls, New York and the Breadloaf Writing Conference that is being held in Middlebury, Vermont.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Guess What??

Guess what guys???

So last weekend I finished writing the [first] draft of The Secret Vows! I know what you're thinking; "The first draft??" Well my reply to your thoughts (and yes--sadly--I'm communicating with your minds, lol) is, yes, the first draft of The Secret Vows. You see, after publishing my first book ('Til Death Do Us Part) I now know how to better prepare myself for my second publication. I've learned a lot from my first publication, so this one will be ten times easier.

And here's how;

Friday, January 11, 2013

I've got News!

So I'm excited to say that I'm almost done writing The Secret Vows!

I've got about another ten or twenty pages to write, plus there will be a ten or twenty page preview of the third installment of the Fearless Series. (So really I've got about forty pages to go all together, but that's pretty damn good to me!)

I've also got a little surprise that I'll announce when the time comes, involving both 'Til Death Do Us Part and The Secret Vows! Getting excited yet? I know I am!

Unfortunately the surprise won't be announced until another week or two...but I promise it'll be worth the wait! (Well maybe not...??)

Anyways, I just wanted to fill you guys in quickly. I'll keep you posted. :)

-B.C. Doyle

Monday, January 7, 2013

Progress Report!

Hey guys!

I just felt like posting something new tonight. I'm in the writing mood, and I figured it'd be a good idea to do some updates on things. Last post I talked about how much praise I've been getting on 'Til Death Do Us Part, so I thought it'd be a good idea to tell you about some of my other writing projects.

So here they are!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Recent Fame!

So my books been out for [almost] two months now. (It'll be two months on January 7th) and recently some new people have been congratulating me about my publication!

When my book was first published, I didn't really think it was that big a deal. No matter what I'd be on the same schedule, so I didn't really feel any different. But the praise I've been getting means a lot to me because it makes me feel more accomplished than before.

Not many sixteen year olds can say that they published a book, so I'm ecstatic that I can!

Before I didn't think it was a big deal. I didn't really tell a lot of people, because, honestly, I didn't think many people would care. Not people in school, anyways. But to be congratulated on my dream to become a published author, it makes me feel pretty good. I've successfully done something with my life that makes me who I am; not just B.C. Doyle, but Barbara C. Doyle--your [almost] everyday, typical, sixteen year old junior in high school.

--B.C. Doyle
     ---Barbara C. Doyle

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Some Great Reads+My New Obsession

So I'm happy to say that in December I sold a total of five paperback copies of 'Til Death Do Us Part!

      I know that five probably isn't that much to you guys, but to me--being a new author who has no idea what she's doing--five is like five thousand. So it made me jump when I was that I sold five books, because I was so happy I'd managed to sell that many--and all at once, too!
      So if any of you guys bought my book, thanks a billion! It means a lot to me that something I worked really hard on is being read. :)
      I'd like to just give off some names of authors and books that I've read recently and love!

Happy New Year!

                           I can't believe that it's 2013 already! It seems like 2012 flew by!

      Anyways, I'm back! I've been working on The Secret Vows some more over winter break, and I really like how it's coming out so far. I'm only on page one hundred and four right now, but my goal is to get around one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty by the end of January. I don't think I'll have a problem meeting that goal. :)
      As you guys can tell, I updated my blog. I got bored and wanted to change things up for the new year so I decided to pick some warm colors. I think it turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I can tell you right now that I'm not computer whiz or anything, so I'm still learning how to design the sites and all that. The cover photo of my book and author bio took me about half an hour to create.
      Yeah....don't ask.
      I've been searching for an image for The Secret Vows and I think I found the perfect one! It's got the same girl as the first one (which I was afraid I wouldn't find) and it fits my book so well! I'm really excited to see what the cover looks like! I even put together the back of the cover, writing the book summary/synopsis. It's getting real, and I'm getting excited!
      I posted the book synopsis on The Fearless Series page for The Secret Vows if y'all are interested in reading about it. (If you haven't read 'Til Death Do Us Part then DO NOT read the book summary for The Secret Vows. Just fair warning.)
      For right now I think that's it.
      My holiday break was really great. I got to see family I don't usually see and I stuffed my face in food. Christmas was a good day. (Minus getting drug across the floor by my brother because I stole his candy. But I got some Kit-Kat out of it so it was worth it.)
      Comment about how your vacations/holidays were/are if you want!

      Thanks guys!

          --B.C. Doyle